
Casey and snow

This weekend Casey went to the state DECA convention and came back with a medal. Yeah for him. What it means is that he gets to the international convention next month - big fun for him. So, I decided to commemorate it with a square and then am amazing thing happened here in the Northwest.....

it snowed... first time this season... only briefly... didn't stick... but still I got to enjoy the magic. I was at school when it started and I took my class outside to catch some flakes - I always say it is for them, but really, it is for me.
Finally, I forgot to make a block for my nature sampler yesterday - I made one today which still leaves me one behind ...

I decided on a robin - a harbinger of spring on a snowy day :)


  1. Keep on truckin'. I love how you choose the daily themes. You are the best!

  2. That bird is impressive. Nice work!

  3. I am loving your wistfull blog about your 39+ squares. I thought about joining in the fun but then I over-thunk it. I thot I would do a square representing each year of my life. Which was a good idea up until about age 4 when all I can really remember is icky stuff for a few years. Then there are those groups of years I can't remember much about at all. It seemed a bad idea to make a sampler with lots of black on it to post amidst the flowers and birdies and lovely other things! And, on the other hand, (Miss Libra said) it could turn out to be a relavatory expereince. Who knows what I might learn or remember? Certainly cheaper than Freudian analysis. But enough about me..... No really.

    I LOVE the the gold medal for Casey. It reminds of Quilt Olympics. And heart for Secret Agent Dad is very cool. Glad to hear everything is alright (?).

    Me Jill

    PS Is this too long to be a "comment"?

  4. Hi there new and old friends (not naming names) thanks for your nice comments - the bird looks more like a chicken but I am learning to embrace him
    Jill you should just do it! Black or not - or only do it for recent times - our truth is just that! Or just do something lovely and lavender - so much cheaper than analysis - although I think you should get a Jung to analyze you. Oh Quilt Olympics - fun and I forgot my dad was a secret agent - should have done a cape - wouldn't it be weird to find out 25 years from now that he really was
    Jill you can leave a comment that length for me any day - thanks for visiting all
